Illinois Senate Bill 1376 - Housing - Homeless Vets & Families
Bill Number: SB 1376
Bill Name: Housing - Homeless Vets and Families
Bill State: Illinois
Bill Sponsor/Co-sponsor: Sen. Sally Turner [R], Sen. Mike Porfirio [D], Sen. Jil Tracy [R], Sen. Andrew Chesney [R], Rep. William Hauter [R], Rep. Paul Jacobs [R], Rep. Gregg Johnson [D], Rep. Mike Coffey [R], Rep. Jason Bunting [R], Rep. Dave Severin [R], Rep. John Cabello [R]
Bill Status: Passed
Bill Summary:
Amends the Homeless Family Placement Act requiring agencies to consider military status when determining whether or not to refer a homeless family with school-age children to a shelter
Also requires the consideration of the military status of any member of the family when determining State or federal benefits for homeless individuals
Key Implications:
In tying the consideration of military requirements to homeless benefits, the bill addresses the needs of a community more likely to live in rural areas and more likely to experience homelessness
Veterans are 2x more likely to be homeless, and are also more likely to live in rural communities
25% of veterans come from and return to rural communities, whereas 17.9% of the general population live in rural communities