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Wisconsin Senate Bill 393

The Center for Rural Homelessness

Requiring universal changing stations in certain buildings, creating a tax credit for installation of the stations, and making an appropriation.

Bill Number: SB393

Bill Name: Requiring universal changing stations in certain buildings, creating a tax credit for installation of the stations, and making an appropriation.

Bill State: Wisconsin

Bill Sponsor/Co-Sponsor: Sen. Melissa Agard [D], Sen. Jeff Smith [D], Sen. Timothy Carpenter [D], Sen. Dianne Hesselbein [D], Sen. Christopher Larson [D], Sen. Mark Spreitzer [D], Sen. Lena Taylor [D], Rep. Robyn Vining [D], Rep. Jodi Emerson [D], Rep. Clinton Anderson [D] Rep. Deb Andraca [D], Rep. Mike Bare [D], Rep. Elijah Behnke [R], Rep. Marisabel Cabrera [D], Rep. Ryan Clancy [D], Rep. Sue Conley [D], Rep. Dave Considine [D], Rep. Dora Drake [D], Rep. Evan Goyke [D], Rep. Francesca Hong [D], Rep. Jenna Jacobson [D], Rep. Alex Joers [D], Rep. Darrin Madison [D] , Rep. Supreme Omokunde [D], Rep. Tod Ohnstad [D], Rep. Sylvia Ortiz-Velez [D], Rep. Lori Palmeri [D], Rep. Melissa Ratcliff [D], Rep. Katrina Shankland [D], Rep. Kristina Shelton [D], Rep. Christine Sinicki [D], Rep. Shelia Stubbs [D], Rep. Lisa Subeck [D]

{Bill Status} : Pending in Senate Government Operations Committee

Bill Summary:

  • Requires that certain buildings include at least one single-occupant restroom with a universal changing station

    • Bill defines a universal changing station as “a floor-mounted or wall-mounted, powered, and height-adjustable adult changing table with a safety rail that can be used for personal hygiene by an individual with a disability of either sex and the individual's care provider.”

  • Homeless shelters and various service providers would fall under this requirement

  • Requirement would be imposed on buildings which seek building permits on or after July 1, 2024, with varying degrees of compliance required based on whether or not the building is deemed a “high-capacity building”

    • High-capacity buildings are defined as buildings capable of servicing more than 3,000 people per day

    • High-capacity buildings built on or after July 1, 2024 must include a universal changing station in a single-occupancy bathroom

    • Buildings not deemed “high-capacity” must meet the requirement if the building includes a single-occupancy bathroom before July 1, 2024 and the owner applies for a building permit for a project that alters, renovates, or makes an addition to the building

Key Implications:

  • Increases access to personal hygiene stations in homeless shelters and service provider buildings across the state

  • Allows for a decent place for disabled homeless individuals to attend to their hygiene in a manner which respects their decency


  • Tying universal changing station requirement to building permit applications submitted after July 1, 2024 should exempt certain modifications to non-profit and not-for-profit institutions. The cost of building a single-occupancy bathroom with a universal changing station could place a burden that deters improvement of facilities necessary for the continuum of care

    • Renovation to communal spaces should be exempt

    • Renovations that are vital to the continued operation of emergency shelters should be exempt



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